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HomeTerms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Conditions of application

1.  The following general terms and conditions apply to all agreements that you sign with Gettinvolved Trainings, unless explicitly agreed otherwise in writing. In addition, the third parties engaged for the implementation of the agreement are referred to as 'Gettinvolved Trainings' 

Scope of obligations

2.1  Agreements signed with Gettinvolved Trainings lead to an obligation of best effort for Gettinvolved Trainings, not to an obligation to achieve results, whereby Gettinvolved Trainings is obliged to fulfill its obligations in such a way as to standards of care and craftsmanship according to the standards of the moment of compliance with Gettinvolved Trainings can be demanded.
2.2  If Gettinvolved Trainings engages third parties for the implementation of an agreement concluded with  Gettinvolved Trainings, Gettinvolved Trainings is obliged to carefully select such third parties as the client would do if the client would select those third parties.
2.3  Insofar as Gettinvolved Trainings depends on information from, or assistance from, the client or a participant for a correct performance of its obligations, Gettinvolved Trainings is discharged from its obligations in the event of non-timely provision of this information or granting of that information or collaboration.

Placement / admission

3.1  Programs offered by Gettinvolved Trainings (in the broadest sense of the word) will only take place if there is sufficient registration. For more registrations than can be placed, placement follows the order of registration.
3.2  A (telephone) goal-setting interview in which the learning objectives of a program are matched with the learning needs of the participant can be part of the training. This interview is then the starting moment of the training and is obligatory for participation in the relevant training or workshop.


4.1  Non-participation in an activity on that date, on which one is placed (other than in the 4.2 situation) is considered to be a cancellation (even if the same activity is participated at a later time). Cancellation must be in writing.

4.1.1  In case of cancellation within two months before the start, € 150, - administration / cancellation costs will be charged. In case of cancellation within four weeks before the start, 50% of the price is due. In case of cancellation within 2 weeks before the start, 100% of the price is due and no refunds are possible. With due observance of the provisions in 3.2, a placed participant may be replaced. Any discounts are personal and not transferable. All reimbursements will be processed within 30 days. 


4.2  If one of the parties fails substantially in the fulfillment of its obligations and, after explicitly having been informed of this by the other party, does not comply with these obligations within a reasonable period of time, the other party is entitled to terminate the agreement without the terminating party, the defaulting party will owe any compensation. The services delivered until the termination are paid in the agreed manner. 
4.3  If the agreement concluded with Gettinvolved Trainings relates to more than one delivery of the same performance, the agreement concluded with Gettinvolved Trainings shall be deemed to have been concluded for the duration of one year (unless expressly agreed otherwise). Such an agreement will be renewed for a period of one year. Each party may terminate the agreement in writing three months before this renewal, whereby the parties shall under no circumstances be obliged to pay any compensation on the basis of such termination.
4.4  Gettinvolved Trainings has the right to cancel the training or assignment without giving any reason or to refuse participation of a participant or the substitute participant designated by the participant, in which cases the participant is entitled to reimbursement of the entire amount due to the participant Gettinvolved Trainings paid amount.

Prices, invoicing and payment

5.1  All prices quoted by Gettinvolved Trainings are inclusive of VAT, unless explicitly stated otherwise. 
5.2  Arrangement and accommodation costs are not included in the training prices, unless explicitly stated otherwise.
5.3  Gettinvolved Trainings invoices immediately after assignment is signed, unless otherwise agreed in the assignment.
5.4  Payments must be made within fourteen days of the invoice date. In the case of overdue payments, default interest is due and collection costs, amounting to 15% of the amount not paid on time, will be charged. The default interest is equal to the statutory commercial interest. There is a grace period of 14 days. 



6.  Neither party is permitted during the execution of the agreement and within one year after termination of the agreement persons to take on the service or otherwise of people who are involved from either party or who have been involved in the execution of an agreement to take on the service or otherwise to work or to negotiate with these persons, other than with the prior written consent of the other party. 

Intellectual ownership

7.  Insofar as copyright, trademark, design, trade name or other intellectual property rights are based on products and services supplied by Gettinvolved Trainings for the execution of the agreement, Gettinvolved Trainings shall and shall remain the holder (pursuant to third-party licenses) respectively owner of these rights. The client only obtains a non- transferable right of use in so far as this is necessary for the execution of the agreement. The client may only use the material carriers of these rights for the purpose for which they have been provided to the client, do not multiply them and do not change or remove the author, trademark, design, trade name and other indications. 


8.1  Gettinvolved Trainings is not liable for indirect damage attributable to it.
For damage that is a direct consequence of a shortcoming attributable to Gettinvolved Trainings, Gettinvolved Trainings is only liable if this shortcoming is the result of intent or gross negligence on the part of Gettinvolved Trainings. If Gettinvolved Trainings is obliged to compensate damage, this compensation is limited to the agreed price in the agreement (and with a continuing performance agreement, for the duration of max one year).
8.2  Insofar as sports and comparable activities form part of the agreement concluded with Gettinvolved Trainings, participants in such activities must themselves assess whether they are physically and conditionally capable of participating responsibly in such activities.
8.3  Pregnant women may only participate in the online Engage training sessions / or de live Basic and Advanced Training of Gettinvolved Trainings, after consultation and then at their own risk.
8.4  For participants with a history of psychoses, admittance into the trainings is only possible after approval of a medical professional.
8.5  For participants who have / had psychiatric medical treatment or you are currently seen by a psychiatric doctor, admittance into the trainings is only possible after approval of a medical professional.

Personal registration

9.  By entering into an agreement with Gettinvolved Trainings, Gettinvolved Trainings is granted permission to automatically process the personal data obtained from the agreement. This personal data will only be used by Gettinvolved Trainings for its own activities. Gettinvolved Trainings will manage the personal data it has obtained in the manner prescribed by law.


10. Personal information shared with us will be treated confidentially and will not be shared with third parties. 

Complaints Procedure Expert in Coaching Program

Scope: This complaints regulations document applies to all participants, trainers, and staff involved in the [Expert in Coaching Program]. It covers complaints related to the quality of education, conduct of staff, program content, administrative processes, and any other issues that may arise during the course.


  • Complaint: Any expression of dissatisfaction by a participant regarding the standard of service, actions, or lack of actions by the program’s staff or trainers.
  • Complainant: The person making the complaint.
  • Respondent: The person or entity against whom the complaint is made.


  • All complaints will be handled confidentially.
  • Complaints will be addressed promptly and within a specified timeframe.
  • The process will be fair and unbiased.
  • Retaliation against complainants is strictly prohibited.

Complaints Procedure

Step 1: Informal Resolution

  • Initial Step: Complainants are encouraged to resolve complaints informally by discussing the issue directly with the person involved, if appropriate.

Step 2: Formal Complaint Submission

  • Submission: If the issue is not resolved informally, the complainant should submit a formal complaint in writing. The complaint should include:
    • Name and contact details of the complainant.
    • Detailed description of the complaint.
    • Relevant dates and names of individuals involved.
    • Any supporting evidence.
  • Submission Method: Complaints should be submitted by email to Head of Complaint Board Gettinvolved Marja Versleijen (

Step 3: Acknowledgement

  • Acknowledgement: The designated person will acknowledge receipt of the complaint within 5 working days.

Step 4: Investigation

  • Investigation: The designated person will conduct a thorough and impartial investigation. This may involve:
    • Interviewing the complainant and the respondent.
    • Reviewing relevant documents and evidence.
    • Consulting with other parties if necessary.

Step 5: Resolution

  • Resolution: After the investigation, a decision will be made, and the complainant will be informed in writing of the outcome and any actions to be taken. This will occur within 30 working days from the acknowledgement of the complaint.


  • Appeals: If the complainant is dissatisfied with the outcome, they may appeal the decision within 10 working days of receiving the resolution. The appeal should be submitted in writing to the independent third party, Head of Complaint Board, Marja Versleijen,
  • Appeals Process: The appeal will be reviewed by an independent panel. The panel will reconsider all evidence and may conduct further investigations if necessary. A final decision will be communicated to the complainant within 20 working days of receiving the appeal.
  • The Appeals Body's Verdict is binding to Gettinvolved Trainings BV

Record Keeping

  • Record Keeping: All complaints, investigations, and resolutions will be documented and kept on file for 5 years. These records will be kept confidential and accessed only by authorized personnel.


  • Confidentiality: All information related to complaints will be treated as confidential. Only individuals directly involved in the investigation and resolution of the complaint will have access to the details.


  • Non-Retaliation: Retaliation against any individual who submits a complaint in good faith is strictly prohibited. Any instances of retaliation will be treated as a serious violation of this policy.

Contact Information:
Marja Versleijen
Head of Complaint Board



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