Our Licence partners

Mariëlle Bakhuizen
I have worked as a senior HR advisor for almost 20 years and I have seen that the balance between work and a private life is very important and can sometimes be a challenge. It is my mission to guide you in creating balance between your work/obligations and your private live. Let me support you to take responsibility everyday and work on your limiting beliefs. So you feel more balanced and fill up with energy again!

Elise Dorsett
Each of us has a unique fingerprint of strengths, values, and purpose. Keen awareness and application of these parts of ourselves lead us to the professional work that brings us joy, and help us to show up as our best in relationships. My mission is to brighten up the best parts of you, so you can shine in your work and personal life. In addition to my coaching practice, I am Co-founder & Lead Facilitator of the Spirit Drivers Mastermind, a Yoga Instructor, and an Argentine Tango dancer.
Elise Dorsett, Transformational Life Coach
Founder, The Safe Next Professional Step Program
Co-Founder & Lead Facilitator, Spirit Drivers

Valerie Grasmeijer
Alles Eruit Coaching
Every person is unique. I coach people who live with a disability or think they live with a disability. I would like to guide your search for independence, following your dream while keeping your energy in balance.

Edmonda Visser
I am Edmonda and I am really passionate about business coaching and teambuilding. I have over 25 years of business acumen within the corporate world and combined this throughout the years with personal development. Therefore I truly speak the language of companies and understand the value of personal purpose. I am energetic, straight forward, driven and always looking for the happiness factor within you.

Linette Alderliesten
Livv Coaching
My name is Linette Alderliesten. It is my vision to inspire and empower people in living from self confidence and self-esteem; being open and vulnerable. I am specialized in women and men who are childless not by choice. This can cause silent sadness and feelings of loneliness. I am childless without choice myself and I have learned to speak about this painful event in my life and I created strength from this experience in my life. I know now, not being a mother, I’m powerful and valuable. It is in my vision to support everyone that is going through the same experience. I am here for you and looking forward to meeting you!