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HomeTrainingTHE SHIFT



The purpose of this transformational training is to transform the perception of these relationships and what happened by changing the inner narrative.


THE SHIFT is a course to experience and learn how to grieve in a healthy way. We are not going to work with death, nor with the afterlife, but with life. This is a hopeful course. We spend our life grieving since we are born, moving from one stage to other in life, not only with death of people around us, but also with other variations of loss, like divorces, loss of friendships, money, health, loss/change in jobs, abortion, difficult
relationships with important people in our life and more…

For whom?

Everyone who has

  • Suffered a painful loss of any kind, and with that also lost peace, serenity and (a part of) the joy of living
  • Relationships with children and/or parents who are going through difficult times
  • Bonds with siblings that, for various reasons, are deteriorating progressively.
  • Conflictive relationships with partners (or ex-partners) that are generating lack of communication and distancing.
  • Experience with distancing with friends as a result of conflicting needs or misunderstandings.
  • A family in crisis due to one of their members suffering from unbridgeable differences, mental illness, addictions, or behavioral disorders.
  • Any other type of difficult relationship.


  • Friday February 21th 11.00 – 21.00
  • Saturday February 22 nd 10.00 – 18.00
  • Sunday February 23 rd 10.00 – 14.00


Online in Zoom.


  • 749 euro (introduction price)
  • Early bird: 50 euro of early bird discount with subscription before January 15 th 2025.

Gett the Brochure

Sign up here

Further information 


  •  The course is open for everyone who graduated from the Advanced Course
  •  No preparation is needed. During the course you will get assignments to work on as a preparation for the next day. So keep in mind extra time for this next to the course hours above.

Nacho Perez Deco

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