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Basic & Advanced Training

Basic Training

The Basic Workshop is grounded in a model of transformative learning—a way of learning that gives people an awareness of the basic structures in which they know, think, and act. From that awareness comes a fundamental shift that leaves people more fully in accord with their own possibilities and those of others.

Participants find themselves able to think and act beyond existing views and limits in their personal and professional lives, relationships, and wider communities of interest.

During 3 days you'll obtain:

Advanced Training

The Advanced Training offers a practical methodology for producing breakthroughs achievements that are extraordinary, outside of what’s predictable. Gain a new level of mastery in creating and living a future of your own design a future that fulfills what matters most to you.

You’ll leave the Advanced Training with an expanded ability to take bold, effective action and to make possible what once seemed impossible. Obstacles that once limited you will no longer stand in your way. You’ll experience a new freedom and ease.

During 4 days you'll have the opportunity of:

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NOTE: The scheduling of our live training(s) will be subject to European Corona Virus Measures. For that reason keep in mind that rescheduling of dates is a possibility. It is our intention to keep you informed at all times about the planning of our programs! If the training(s) will not be possible in a face to face context.

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